Kansalliset 2012
Competition centre
Starting list


Xe4 Kilpimäki 2012

Rasti E4 orienteering club organizes this year orienteering competiton in Kilpimäki. Map is bran new and there hasn't been competitions before this year. These pictures from terrain are describing well orienteering "arena"

Short description/guide for the competition:

Registration: ilmoita(at)rastie4.fi before 9th of July. Give your name, club, age and number of your Emit card

Costs: youngs - 7€, adults - 14€. Payment at the info in competition center. If you don't have Emit card, you can rent it from Info

Google Maps address: Kilpimäentie 265, 41290 Uurainen

Parking: Roadside parking, 0.2 – 1.2 km from competition center

Start: First start at 12:00

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wellcome to Kilpimäki!

Tarmo Hyttinen, +358 40 521 5837

Competition center is located in old farm.

13.09.12 - Starting list added
09.09.12 - Enroll list added - check your details and send possible corrections to tarmo(at)rastie4.fi / +358 40 521 5837
04.07.12 - English version created